Trial Version of Acupuncture AR, limited points with access to all functunalitties to test by yourselfAcupuncture AR is the worlds unique augmented reality app which permit you to localize and visualize acupuncture points live on the human body with your smartphones camera.The application is an innovative aid for traditional Chinese medicine, for acupuncture, acupressure and moxibustion.Created to help students, acupuncturists and doctors to more easily locate acupuncture points on the human body, it also offers you access to a complete ATLAS acupuncture points. Features of the application :★ Points of the 12 main meridians + Méridians Governing Vessels and Conceptor. (360 points).★ Search points by meridian, and search points according to their names (nomenclatures: Pinyin, International, European).★ ATLAS for points informations : Location, Action TCM, indication, puncture) and location of points in image.★ Augmented reality, visualize the location of acupuncture points live on the human body. Body parts viewable:Back : Meridian Vessel Governor, Bladder, Small Intestine, Gallbladder, Large Intestine Triple heater.Belly /Chest : Meridian Designer Vessel, Kidney, Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Pericardium, Gallbladder. .Note:- Available in English and French languagesTrial Version of Acupuncture AR. Limited Points, access to all the functionalities to Test by yourself.- Compatible with mobiles and tablets that have at least 2 GB of RAM (or more) and minimum Android 7.0 (Nougat).- The application requires ARCore service for augmented reality experience, to install before using AR Acupuncture. The application is created by COVE AR company, maintained and in continuous development. Many improvements and additions of features are planned.Patent Granted.